Pergola Maintenance

Maintain The Beauty And Increase The Life Span of Your Pergola


Give your pergola a good wash every few weeks. Spray down your pergola, aiming the nozzle in a downward direction, to rinse off dirt or debris that may adhere to the structure. You may simply use a hose and nozzle if you wish. A power washer also works great here; add an appropriate cleaning solution, and cleaning will be a cinch! Be sure to adjust the pressure as needed to avoid damage

Here are some good cleaning and protection options:

  • Mild soap and water- This is a basic stable that most people have around anyway. Grab a soft sponge, bucket, and warm water, and you're set. (Avoid wire bristle brushes!)

  • 30 Seconds Outdoor Cleaner - A deep clean that is safe for your garden.Treat mildew and molds and prevents regrowth

  • Simple Green Outdoor Cleaner- Treats mold and mildew. You can purchase this as a concentrate, mix with water and throw it in your power washer.

  • O'Cedar Outdoor Timber Care - Great product if you are looking to treat and protect.


Look over your pergola every so often to ensure it is free of mold and mildew. If you discover some growth, a solution of oxygen bleach and water (1 Cup/gallon) will do the trick. Remeber to stay away from wire or abrasive brushes, and rinse all of the solution afterward.


Dings and dents can be repaired with wood putty and a putty knife. Simpy fill it in, let dry, sand with fine grit sandpaper, and refinish.


You will get more life out of your pergola if you reseal using an oil based sealant every other year. If your color begins to fade, you can also apply an oil based stain, just be sure to let it dry completely before sealing.